Our RE Steering Group play an important role in supporting the teaching and learning in RE and our collective worship at our school. The group is made up of 24 children from KS2. At the start of the school year, each class votes for two pupils to be members of the RE Steering Group. During the year, the children meet regularly to discuss their ideas. They help to plan and lead special events such as our Harvest and Easter celebrations. The group forms an important part of pupil voice and, as such, throughout the year they monitor collective worship and, at times, carry out questionnaires with classes. They also meet with school governors and outside visitors. All children are welcome to put themselves forward for the RE Steering Group. We encourage children of all faiths as well those who come from non-faith backgrounds.
Here are some examples of what we have done previously:
- Working on the school Vision and Values;
- Leading prayers during our special Harvest and Easter celebrations;
- Monitoring collective worship;
- Meeting with Ofsted inspectors;
- Drawing portraits of the new vicar at St. Mary with St. Alban Church (Rev David Cloake) for our local church display;
- Preparing questions for interviewing Rev David.
Here are some comments from the group:
- I enjoy RE Steering Group because I like working with different year groups and getting to do things in collective worship. I really enjoyed it when I read a prayer for the Harvest service.
- My favourite part of RE Steering Group is reading prayers in collective worship. I like being part of RE Steering Group because I like RE.
- I like being part of RE Steering Group because I like having a responsibility. I enjoy taking part in collective worship and I can contribute my ideas.
- I enjoy RE Steering Group because I follow God. I enjoy being able to take part in collective worship. The best part of RE Steering Group is getting a badge! I liked talking about the Richmond Foodbank in our Harvest service.
- I enjoy being in RE Steering Group because it’s fun!
- My favourite part of RE Steering Group is working with other year groups. I enjoyed drawing a portrait of the new vicar of St. Mary with St. Alban Church.
- I like being in RE Steering Group because I get to learn more and then share it with the younger children in the school. I also enjoyed speaking in collective worship. This has boosted my confidence.