
Pupil Advocate Roles provide a platform for Year 6 pupils to develop the necessary skills required to become responsible junior citizens within our school community. The interpersonal skills that pupils develop through these roles include listening, communication, co-operation, responsibility and team work. All of which are transferable skills that the children will use beyond their time at SMSP.

Pupil Advocate Roles are varied and the children are required to apply for a position of their choice. We encourage pupils to consider roles that interest them and the personal commitment required for the position before they complete the necessary application form. Once completed, they attend an informal group interview with the Headteacher, Helen Swain and our Chair of Governors, Mary Hawes.

Mary Hawes, Chair of Governors and I really enjoyed interviewing the Year 6 children for the Advocate roles. We were both extremely impressed with their preparation and confident responses to the questions asked. We were delighted that all the children put themselves forward for the roles, often citing the fact that they remembered how previous advocates had helped them. Well done Year 6!

Ms Swain

Interviewing Year 6 for Pupil Advocate roles is one of the highlights of my year. I was impressed by what a thoughtful and articulate group of young people they are. Parents and teachers should be very proud.

Mary Hawes

Advocate roles and responsibilities evolve each year. Below is a selection of the roles available.

Art and DT Advocates

Art and DT advocates need to be organised, enthusiastic and have a keen interest in Art. They support teachers by collecting and preparing Art and DT supplies – ensuring stock is distributed and returned to the appropriate cupboard. Advocates also have the opportunity to share art ideas and skills with younger pupils during wet play.

Library Advocates

A library advocate helps out with the running of our library. This involves keeping the library tidy, sorting and shelving returned books and helping to promote the love of reading around the school. Library Advocates receive full training by the librarian to ensure they are confident with the workings of a busy library.

Reading/Story Telling Advocates

Working alongside Miss Winter and Mrs Kelly, these advocates help to promote the love of reading with our younger pupils. Advocates spend one lunchtime per week reading with younger children or recording a story for use in the classroom.

ICT Advocates

Regular checks of school IT equipment is the main focus for our ICT Advocates. Laptop banks, printers and storage of other IT equipment is constantly checked and monitored by the advocates. Ink and paper levels are also monitored around the school. This role suits children who have a keen interest and knowledge of how computers work.

Music Advocates

Someone who loves music or plays an instrument will enjoy this role greatly. Music advocates are required to support Mrs Haines during music and singing assemblies. Prior to these assemblies, they will support the children who are going to perform and organise any equipment they need. Advocates are also required to organise and sort musical instruments both for lessons and school performances.

Office Advocates

The school office is the hub of any school community and our advocates support the office staff in many different ways. They organise and distribute daily register boxes and deliver copies of any leaflets or letters that need to go home. Advocates also sort through lost property and return named items to children.

PE Advocates

PE Advocates are assigned to a year group where they will be responsible for setting up equipment for PE lessons. Training is provided to ensure they know how to store and carry equipment safely. They also have to opportunity to demonstrate key skills in a range of sports and provide much needed assistance during sporting events.

Maths Advocates

Enthusiasm and confidence with Maths is a must for this role. Advocates are trained to become Maths Mentors – supporting both our younger pupils develop an interest in number as well as their peers in Year 6 as they prepare for SATs. Maths Advocates support teachers with resources and promote an interest in Maths through Number Day participation.

Science Advocates

A Science advocate is responsible for collecting and setting up science equipment and investigations for teachers. They then return the equipment and sort the resources cupboard, which includes keeping an inventory of all resources across the school.

Dining Room Advocate

Working alongside the staff in the hall at lunchtime, you will help the younger children at the salad bar and when they clear their trays, refill their water from the jugs, encourage a clean plate and remind children of expected behaviours in the dining room.