We are a three-form entry Primary school with an intake of 90 children each year. Please follow the link to our admissions policy for further information. If your child is starting in Reception next September, call 02089430476 or email info@smsp.richmond.sch.uk.
If you would like to view the school we several parent tours during the year, see this years dates in the sidebar. Space is limited in each tour so please book via the school office.
Please visit the Richmond Council website for application deadlines and appeals process.
Please see parish boundaries or visit www.achurchnearyou.com
The School Day
The school day begins at 8.55am with registration, however children may be dropped off from 8.45am. The school day finishes at 3.15pm for Foundation Stage and KS1 and 3.20pm for KS2. The total time this amounts to is 32.5 hours over the course of the week. Please make sure your child comes to school punctually. The beginning of the day is a very important teaching time, when activities and tasks for the day are explained in detail.
The children enter their classrooms via the external doors. For security reasons it is essential that you always deliver and collect your child from this door. If someone else is collecting your child, please write this on the sign up sheet on the door.
The best time to see the class teacher is after school once most of the children have been collected. We have staff meetings on some days after school so please make an appointment if you need more than five minutes. We are always happy to see you and will make every effort to find a convenient time as soon as possible.
What does my child need to bring to school?
- A bottle of water which your child will have access to throughout the day.
- A book bag which are available to buy from the school uniform shop. This will be used for carrying reading books to and from school. We will begin sending books home a few weeks after the children begin full-time school.
- PE kits which should be brought in at the beginning of the new term. They will be returned home at the end of every term. In Reception, Children will come in wearing the PE kits in the first and second term. PE kits will need to be brought into school in the third term and all other years.
- We encourage all of the children to be independent. Please allow your child to come into the classroom as independently as possible and to pack and unpack his or her own bag. This will help your child to develop vital skills quickly.
The school has a uniform which all children need to wear. More information on the uniform can be found in the School Uniform Policy.
Children spend a surprising amount of time at school getting changed for P.E. or dance and putting coats on and off for playtime or outdoor learning.
Please label all garments with your child’s name or they may well be lost! You are also helping the teacher who has the daunting task of changing a large number of small children in a short time.
Before your child starts school it would help if he/she can,
- fasten/unfasten zips and buttons on coats and jackets
- tie and untie shoelaces or velcro fastenings
- practise dressing and undressing as quickly as possible
- pile clothes neatly
- tuck their shirt in
- put their tie on
The school will provide the children with fruit for morning playtime in the Foundation Stage and KS1. There will be a different type of fruit each day. Children are always supervised at playtimes and any problems are dealt with quickly by the teacher on duty. Bumps or grazes are promptly dealt with by members of staff who are first aid trained. You will be informed in these situations.
The reception classes have their own outdoor space. During the first few weeks, the children will have their playtimes in this area. As their confidence increases the children will gradually integrate with Year 1 and Year 2 into the main infant playground. The reception playground is specifically set each day as an outdoor classroom so we respectfully ask that you do not allow your children to play with the activities set up in this area before or after school.
Useful Information
Absence Procedure
If your child is ill, please call the office before 8.55am and leave a message on the absence line for each day they are not in school. If your child is absent from school for more than three days, you will also need to write a note and hand it to either your class teacher or the school office. If you do not notify us you will receive an unauthorised absence and will be charged for any school meals missed. You should not send your child into school until forty-eight hours after the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.
We can give your child prescription medication only and you must complete a consent form beforehand giving details of dosage. The medicine must be handed to the school office.